Hello. This is my personal website. Those are my other websites ––––– all are under construction...
"Escha Aristotela" is my Greek pseudonym paying homage to Aristotle; besides, it means "the best achievement on the edge or margin". One of its examples is the life of my mentor – Why Rothbard Endures. Thanks to Murray Newton Rothbard, whom I deem as the greatest ever economist of the universe, my life has metamorphosed, like a butterfly out of pupa. From philosopher to philosopher-entrepreneur, my evolution re-interprets Goethe's Faust. If Ayn Rand asks: Who is John Galt? I can say: I am John Galt.
Moreover, "Escha" (margin) stands for the greatest notion in economics, which the Austrian school started with – marginal utility. As the marginal utility of each branch of logos (-logy) diminishes, for the sake of the whole logos, I have to invest in another and another. Thus have I grown into a polymath like Aristotle. I have nothing against the division of labor and the specialization: It is just a special specialty to play a connective role: inter. Coincidentally, Escha is a brand of connectors.
The Sino-Japanese translation of "Escha" – 縁 – suggests an interesting word: 縁起 (en-gi). English, like the other Western languages, can NOT convey such an Eastern notion. A not enough translation is "meet-happen", pertaining to sex-love: I meet the girl I love and then what happen? Our kids. Another example: Eucosmy's En-gi. So what is en-gi? Connection and creation. It reminds me of the saying of Steve Jobs: “Creativity is just connecting things.”
The Sino-Japanese translation of "Aristotela" – 叶至 – sounds the same as 兼垂 (kane-tari), paying homage to Mozi, whose notion "兼" (merge) is the best summary of who I am. Eucosmy is the merger of all the world's civilizations. Physei is the merger of humanities and (computer) engineering.