Escha Aristotela | 叶至 ゆかり

– quidquid interest inter-est | 兼以易别

Nietzsche compared Schopenhauer’s self-education to a solar system.
So is mine.
Hello. This is my personal website. Those are my other websites –––––
all are under construction...

"Escha Aristotela" is my Greek pseudonym paying homage to Aristotle;
besides, it means "the best achievement on the edge or margin".
One of its examples is the life of my mentor – Why Rothbard Endures.
Thanks to Murray Newton Rothbard,
whom I deem as the greatest ever economist of the universe,
my life has metamorphosed, like a butterfly out of pupa.
From philosopher to philosopher-entrepreneur,
my evolution re-interprets Goethe's Faust.
If Ayn Rand asks: Who is John Galt?
I can say: I am John Galt.

Moreover, "Escha" (margin) stands for the greatest notion in economics,
which the Austrian school started with – marginal utility.
As the marginal utility of each branch of logos (-logy) diminishes,
for the sake of the whole logos, I have to invest in another and another.
Thus have I grown into a polymath like Aristotle.
I have nothing against the division of labor and the specialization:
It is just a special specialty to play a connective role: inter.
Coincidentally, Escha is a brand of connectors.

The Sino-Japanese translation of "Escha" – 縁 – suggests an interesting word: 縁起 (en-gi).
English, like the other Western languages, can NOT convey such an Eastern notion.
A not enough translation is "meet-happen", pertaining to sex-love:
I meet the girl I love and then what happen? Our kids.
Another example: Eucosmy's En-gi.
So what is en-gi? Connection and creation.
It reminds me of the saying of Steve Jobs:
“Creativity is just connecting things.”

The Sino-Japanese translation of "Aristotela" – 叶至 – sounds the same as 兼垂 (kane-tari),
paying homage to Mozi, whose notion "兼" (merge) is the best summary of who I am.
Eucosmy is the merger of all the world's civilizations.
Physei is the merger of humanities and (computer) engineering.